One convenient place for important tasks and information

Our Atlas portal enables international students and scholars to complete the essential steps to come to and stay at Indiana University.

You can upload materials for your application for admission or your visit to IU, and get up-to-date information about your case status. You can complete forms and upload materials to your OIS file. You can also request assistance from OIS—and much more.

Go to Atlas


Screenshot of ATLAS on a desktop screen.

Atlas mobile app

The IU Atlas app for iOS and Android devices brings all the great features you are familiar with from the Atlas web app to a phone application. You can submit forms and upload images from your phone camera. You can also opt in to push notifications in the app to stay up-to-date with all the latest information from our office.

Atlas versus sunapsis

You may notice the name of the app in the app stores is sunapsis instead of Atlas. sunapsis is the name of the software that our office uses (and creates!) to help manage the U.S. government regulations related to international students and scholars. Atlas is the unique name we gave to the web portal you access.

Our office licenses sunapsis (including the mobile app) to other universities. So, we needed to have one standard name/description in the app store.

Regardless of the name, it is the same experience across the web and apps!

Note: on Android devices, after you select your university in the app, the name and icon will change. On iOS devices, after you select your university in the app, only the icon will change.

Mobile app screenshots

Searching for the app in the app stores.
Selecting Indiana University as your university in the mobile app.
List of available forms
Submitting a form
Submitting a form in the mobile app
List of notifications