
* These cost estimates are only for the nine months of the fall and spring semesters. If you want to stay in the United States during the summer or enroll in summer classes, keep in mind that you will need additional funds to cover living costs and tuition.

Estimated expenses (including health care) for dependents

If you will be bringing your family, you will also need to be able to show proof of funds for the following amounts:

  • One dependent (spouse or child): $5,951
  • Two dependents: $11,902
  • Each additional dependent: $5,951

Estimated costs for international undergraduates beginning in the summer

These estimated costs are for students who intend to begin their studies in summer and remain enrolled through the full school year.

Summer start
Type of expenseEstimated cost
Tuition and fees$52,867
Room and board$13,907
Health insurance$2,224
Miscellaneous expenses$2,882

