Changes in your duties or position
Your H-1B approval is for a specific position, a minimum specified salary, a specific employer, and in a specific geographical region. To avoid violating your status, you should perform only the work described in your approved H-1B petition.
Your position might change, of course. These changes could include new job duties, a new job location (working remotely/telecommuting from another city), a new job title, or a transfer to another Indiana University department.
OIS must review any changes in your employment. You and your host department must consult with us six months before these changes occur. OIS will help you determine if you need to file a new H-1B petition, which requires up to six months for processing.
Completion or termination of employment
Your H-1B status ends when you complete your work at IU or your employment is terminated, even if your H-1B approval covers a longer period.
If you complete your work, you should take one of three actions before your last day:
- File a petition with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to extend your H-1B status with the same employer or a new employer.
- Or file a petition with USCIS to change your status to another category.
- Or make plans to leave the United States.
If your employment is terminated, you should plan to leave the United States immediately. Contact us, and we will guide you through this process and help you plan your next steps.
Leaving the United States
If you do not extend or change your status, you should plan to leave the country immediately when your H-1B status ends.
Some H-1B employees are granted a 10-day grace period before they must leave the country. A Customs and Border Protection officer must add the grace period to your I-94 after admitting you into the United States, which does not always happen. To be safe, assume that you must leave when your H-1B status ends.